
Synthetic Nicotine Becomes US FDA Regulated:

Synthetic Nicotine Becomes US FDA Regulated: This Change Could Transform the U.S. Vaping Industry Ducharme J. A Small Policy Change Could Transform the US Vaping Industry. Time Magazine. 11 March 2022 A March US spending bill signed by President Biden has “expanded the definition of FDA-regulated “tobacco product” to include those that use lab-made nicotine (known as synthetic nicotine), as well as traditional tobacco-derived nicotine. That update—while small on paper—could dramatically change the U.S. vaping industry, potentially taking disposable e-cigarette market-leader Puff Bar, as well as other products from smaller brands, off store shelves.”

Comment: The vaping industry shifted to ‘synthetic nicotine’ as a way to get around the regulatory requirements for tobacco-derived nicotine in e-cigarettes, but that loophole has now been closed through the inclusion of synthetic nicotine under FDA regulation. The question remains, how soon will the FDA act to restrict the popular Puff Bar disposable e-cigarette in the vaping market?
Stephen Hamann

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