Tobacco industry placement of tobacco products to gain market share..
Tobacco industry placement of tobacco products to gain market share: The Asian example of Thailand Charoenca N, Kungskulniti N, Hamann SL, Mock J. Uncovering Philip Morris International’s Fundamental Strategies for Product Placement in Thailand: Spotlighting Industry Penetration to Advance the Endgame. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2021. 22 (12), 3789-3801.
The authors examined over 4,000 PMI and PMAI internal documents using a historical, iterative, and thematic approach. They analyzed the most relevant and illuminating documents, particularly those in which PMAI discussed retailer supply, retailer acceptance, and retailer cooperation. The tobacco industry used placement, the purposeful and pervasive presence of tobacco in the commercial environment to maintain and grow a normative acceptance of product use and to gain market share. How supply-side restrictions to industry placement can contribute to ending tobacco use is highlighted.
Stephen Hamann