BMJ TOBACCO CONTROL January 2013, Volume 22, Issue 1
- Changing Tobacco Control’s policy on tobacco industry-funded research. Ruth E Malone | Click here
- Effectiveness of providing financial incentives to healthcare professionals for smoking cessation activities: systematic review. F L Hamilton, F Greaves, A Majeed, C Millett | Click here
- A review of tobacco smoking and smoking cessation practices among physicians in China: 1987?2010. Abu S Abdullah, Feng Qiming, Vivian Pun, Frances A Stillman, | Click here
News analysis
- Worldwide news and comment | Click here
Research papers
- Electronic nicotine delivery systems: adult use and awareness of the ?e-cigarette? in the USA. Melanie Wakefield, Megan Bayly, Sarah Durkin, Trish Cotter, Sandra Mullin, Charles Warne, for the International Anti-Tobacco Advertisement Rating Study Team | Click here
- Smokers’ responses to television advertisements about the serious harms of tobacco use: pre-testing results from 10 low- to middle-income countries. Melanie Wakefield, Megan Bayly, Sarah Durkin, Trish Cotter, Sandra Mullin, Charles Warne, for the International Anti-Tobacco Advertisement Rating Study Team | Click here
- A prospective cohort study challenging the effectiveness of population-based medical intervention for smoking cessation. Hillel R Alpert, Gregory N Connolly, Lois Biener | Click here
- Effects of tobacco-related media campaigns on smoking among 20?30-year-old adults: longitudinal data from the USA. Yvonne M Terry-McElrath, Sherry Emery, Melanie A Wakefield, Patrick M O’Malley, Glen Szczypka, Lloyd D Johnston |Click here
- The potential impact of smoking control policies on future global smoking trends. David M?ndez, Omar Alshanqeety, Kenneth E Warner | Click here
- Patterns of cognitive dissonance-reducing beliefs among smokers: a longitudinal analysis from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey. Omid Fotuhi, Geoffrey T Fong, Mark P Zanna, Ron Borland, Hua-Hie Yong, K Michael | Click here
Brief report
- Cigarette butt littering in city streets: a new methodology for studying and results. Vimal Patel, George W Thomson, Nick Wilson | Click here
- The Lighter Side | Click here
- Thank you to our reviewers 2012 | Click here
- Correction | Click here