that Prohibit the Use of Electronic Smoking Devices in Smokefree Environments
Number of US Local and State Laws Enacted by Year that Prohibit the Use of Electronic Smoking Devices in Smokefree Environments As of January 1, 2024
American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation; Data Release
By 2014, 381 US laws had been passed; by 2019, 1021 laws had been passed, but in the last 4 years, 2020-2023, only 83 additional laws were passed. Laws in states, commonwealths, and territories number 27 are usually comprehensive laws covering workplaces, restaurants, bars, and gambling venues (WRBG).
Please click the download link to see a chart of the number of laws passed in the US:
Note: Adolescents and young adults do not have appropriate evidence to inform them of the dangers of e-cigarettes. Allowing e-cigarette use in 100 % smokefree places and the dominance of e-cigarette marketing on youth-oriented platforms like Instagram (see the TRC Research Summary) results in spreading the lie that e-cigarettes are safe for the user and those around the user.
Stephen Hamann