
Protecting Youth From Online E-Cigarette Marketing

Vital Strategies. Protecting Youth From Online E-Cigarette Marketing: Findings From a New Study in India, Indonesia and Mexico. New York, NY; January 2023. marketing-findings-from-a-new-study-in-india-indonesia-and-mexico

Central Points: “Policies that regulate e-cigarettes may reduce their marketing online. E-cigarette marketing tends to be youth-focused with an emphasis on flavors, colors, and customizable, flashy, “high-tech” product designs. While e-cigarettes are promoted as smoking cessation aids in policy contexts, this was not reflected in how they were marketed across all three countries.”

Comment: Details show that the marketing was to youth, not for smoking cessation. Only strict regulation of e-cigarettes limits marketing to youth.Online E-Cigarette

Stephen Hamann

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