Monitoring tobacco product wastes: An indicator of new tobacco product popularity among youth
Monitoring tobacco product wastes: An indicator of new tobacco product popularity among youth “E-cigarette waste and combustible tobacco product waste contaminate the [San Francisco] Bay Area high schools studied and confirm use of these products by high school students.
Cannabis product waste represents an emerging issue. The large proportions of flavored products identified in this study are consistent with findings from other studies showing high prevalence rates of flavored e-cigarette and combustible tobacco product use among U.S. youths… Schools can engage students in garbology projects to identify existing and new use of these products and to raise awareness about their hazardous health and environmental impacts.”
Using tobacco product wastes as indicator of the type and extent of various tobacco product use can focus attention on places and populations with emerging and/or problematic tobacco use. Hopefully, more citizen action can be employed in such monitoring of tobacco products.
Mock J, Hendlin YH. Notes from the Field: Environmental Contamination from E-cigarette, Cigarette, Cigar, and Cannabis Products at 12 High Schools — San Francisco Bay Area, 2018–2019. MMWR Weekly / October 11, 2019 / 68(40); 897–899.
by Dr.Stephen Hamann