
Acute Effects of Nicotine-Containing Product Challenges…

Tattersall MC, Hughey CM, Piasecki TM, et al. Acute Effects of Nicotine-Containing Product Challenges on Cardiovascular and Autonomic Function Among Electronic Cigarette Vapers, Combustible Cigarette Smokers, and Controls: The CLUES Study. Univ of Wisconsin SMPH, Madison, WI, To be presented on 6 November 2022 at an Am. Heart Assoc. Scientific Session in Chicago.

(Accessed 5 November 2022)
“A team of researchers performed a cross-sectional study called the Cardiac and Lung E-cig Smoking (CLUES) investigation that assessed vapers, exclusive smokers, and non-smoking/non-vaping controls.

Before and following a product use challenge, the team examined systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), brachial artery diameter, heart rate (HR), and time-domain HR variability.

Overall, the study findings showed that smokers and vapers displayed acute elevations in HR and BP, vasoconstriction, and decreases in time-domain HR variability after using ENDS.”

Comment: Although scientific sessions at professional meetings may not include published peer-reviewed studies, it is vital to be aware of quality findings that are consistent with and add to the growing research on how e-cigarettes harm heart health. S. Hamann
Session abstract at!/10611/presentation/11057
Stephen Hamann

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