
Vaping Causes DNA Changes Similar to Those in Cancer

Caliri AW, Caceres A, Tommasi S, Besaratinia A. Hypomethylation of LINE-1 repeat elements and global loss of DNA hydroxymethylation in vapers and smokers. Epigenetics. Published online: 05 Feb 2020

“The study included 45 people who either vaped only, smoked cigarettes only, or did not vape or smoke (control group).

Blood samples were tested for changes in two specific chemical tags attached to DNA that are important for proper gene activity and/or function. Changes in levels of these chemical tags occur at various ages and in diseases such as cancer.

Compared to the control group, vapers and smokers both had significant reductions in both chemical tags. The authors said this is the first study to show that these changes can be detected in vapers’ blood, just as in smokers.”

DNA damage is an important indicator of cancer-related changes that may affect cancer development in humans.

By Stephen Hamann

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