
Warning images of e-cigarette harms discourage vaping

Lazard AJ, Kalan ME, Nicolla S, et al. Optimising messages and images for e-cigarette warnings. Tobacco Control. Published Online First: 21 June 2023. “Regarding intended effects, new warning themes all discouraged vaping more than the current [Food and Drug Administration-] FDA-required warning (all p<0.001), led to greater negative affect (all p<0.001) and led to more anticipated social interactions (all p<0.001). The most discouraging warnings were about toxic metals exposure. Regarding unintended effects, the new themes led to more stigma against people who vape (6 of 7 themes, p<0.001) and led to a greater likelihood of thinking vaping is more harmful than smoking (all 7 themes, p<0.001), although unintended effects were smaller than intended effects. Images of harms (internal or people experiencing) discouraged vaping more than images of hazards (all p<0.001).”

Stephen Hamann

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