
Tobacco Industry Strategies and Assaults on Science

Two recent statements:

  1. Robert Jackler with Stanford Research Into The Impact of Tobacco Advertising (SRITA) just published, Propaganda Crusades by Philip Morris International & Altria: “Smoke-Free Future” & “Moving Beyond Smoke” Campaigns. 16 Feb. 2022.
    Comment: This 197-page report includes 19 key findings of tobacco industry actions where they state/imply that they are part of the solution to tobacco harm.
  2. The Truth Initiative just posted (24 Feb 2022): How the tobacco industry is renewing its assault on science:
  3. The Truth Initiative also published an editorial in the American Journal of Public Health highlighting their findings of tobacco industry efforts to undercut scientific findings. 23 Feb 2022.

Comment: The authors call for strengthening practices to protect scientific research from tobacco industry influence on scientific and regulatory efforts.

Stephen Hamann

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