
Vaping prevention messages among adolescents

Boynton MH, Sanzo N, Brothers W, et al. Perceived effectiveness of objective elements of vaping prevention messages among adolescents. Tobacco Contol. Online First: 09 May 2022. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2021-057151 . | Addiction, chemicals, negative health symptoms and effects, and cigarette comparison themes were associated with higher PME, as were graphic images and warning symbols. Industry targeting, environmental impact, flavor themes, images of food, and people’s faces were associated with lower perceived message effectiveness (PME), as were hashtags, statistics, and first-person language or the word ‘teen’. Most elements were not associated with appeal, but ads with a flavor theme were associated with increased vaping appeal. Promising vaping prevention messages focus on the adverse consequences of vaping, use negative imagery and avoid speaking for teens using their vernacular or perspective.

Comment: Certain messages resonate with different age groups. Researching which messages are more influential to youth is important in getting impactful youth communications. Note that mentioning flavors were associated with vaping appeal, not preventing vaping.
Stephen Hamann

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