
Unsubstantiated claims of e-cigarettes safety exposed

In an article published online on 8 January 2020 in the American Journal of Public Health; “Invalidity of an Oft-Cited Estimate of the Relative Harms of Electronic Cigarettes” authors (Eissenberg et al.) conclude:

“The “95% safer” estimate (for e-cigarettes) is a “factoid”: unreliable information repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact. Public health practitioners, scientists, and physicians should expose the fragile status of the factoid emphatically by highlighting its unreliable provenance and its lack of validity today, noting the many changes in e-cigarette devices and liquids, the accumulation of evidence of potential harm, the increased prevalence of use, and the growing evidence that e-cigarette use is associated with subsequent cigarette smoking.”

This article exposes one of many misrepresentation of the e-cigarette industry, which has used past tobacco industry tactics and unsubstantiated claims to promote e-cigarettes to youth.

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