Increasing nondaily smoking keeps US mortality high
Zhu D, Zhao G, Wang X. Association of Smoking and Smoking Cessation with Overall and Cause-Specific Mortality. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. April 1, 2021. 60; 4: 504-512
This study suggests that nondaily smokers have a higher risk of all-cause mortality. The association of daily smoking with the risk of mortality increased as the number of cigarettes smoked per day increased. Among former smokers, the risk decreased with longer cessation.
Note: The study points out that “although the rates of current smoking have decreased in the U.S., the incidence of nondaily smoking (smoking some days but not every day) is significantly increasing.” It emphasizes that “Tobacco control efforts should be targeted not only toward daily smokers but also toward nondaily smokers to reduce the risk of premature death owing to smoking.”
Stephen Hamann