
Global youth vaping and respiratory health

Lyzwinski LN, Naslund JA, Miller CJ, et al. Global youth vaping and respiratory health: Epidemiology, interventions, and policies. Primary Care Respiratory Medicine. 2022 32:14. E-cigarette usage (also known as e-cigarettes or vaping products) has increasingly been recognized as a global public health problem. One challenge, in particular, involves their marketing to minors (teenagers and children) and the rising prevalence of use in this population. E-cigarettes unnecessarily expose minors to health risks, these include respiratory health problems, such as exacerbations of asthma, bronchitis, and respiratory tract irritation. Nicotine, commonly found in e-cigarettes, is also associated with cognitive impairment and neurodevelopmental problems. E-cigarettes are also risk factors for downstream substance use, including cigarettes and cannabis initiation (the gateway hypothesis), which compounds health risks in dual users.

Comment: For youth, respiratory health, neurodevelopment, and near and long-term substance use can all be adversely affected by e-cigarette use.

Stephen Hamann

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