
Destaillats H, et al. (Editorial) Does vaping affect indoor air quality?

“The aerosol of e‐cigarettes also contains a broad spectrum of other organic substances. Those include solvent impurities (eg acetol), and flavorings such as diacetyl, vanillin and menthol. In addition, other carcinogenic and/or irritating chemicals are formed by thermal decomposition of propylene glycol and glycerol during the evaporation process, including formaldehyde, benzene, glycidol, acrolein, and acetaldehyde… After evaluating all scientific findings, the German Indoor Hygiene Commission (IRK) has reached the conclusion that e‐cigarettes are no less harmful than conventional cigarettes and that nicotine‐containing and nicotine‐free e‐cigarettes contribute toward indoor air pollution through gaseous organic compounds… For that reason, smoke‐free measures that have proved effective to protect against cigarette smoking should also be implemented for vaping.”
Indoor Air. 26 August 2020

by : Stephen Hamann

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