Canadian Statement Recommends against Vaping for Cessation
“We recommend that Canadians needing support with nicotine addiction speak to a health care provider and seek out proven cessation therapies, such as medication or approved nicotine replacement therapies…. We also remain significantly concerned by the substantial rise of nicotine vaping among Canadian youth….we provide the following set of regulatory and policy recommendations that we believe are necessary to be taken by federal, provincial/territorial and municipal governments to address this rapidly emerging public health threat.
Health Canada, Statement from the Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health on Nicotine Vaping in Canada, January 22, 2020
This statement includes a call for more investigation of the possibility that electronic cigarettes may be used for cessation “if it becomes clear that vaping products are effective”. In short, medical authorities do not feel the evidence of benefit is clear, while the threat for youth remains substantial.
by Dr.Stephen Hamann