Heating in vaping device as cause for lung injury, study shows
Kleinman MT, et al. E‐cigarette or Vaping Product Use–Associated Lung Injury Produced in an Animal Model From Electronic Cigarette Vapor Exposure Without Tetrahydrocannabinol or Vitamin E OilJournal of the American Heart Association. 2020;9 Originally published 8 Sep 2020
“Lung lesions included thickening of the alveolar wall with foci of inflammation, red blood cell congestion, obliteration of alveolar spaces, and pneumonitis in some cases; bronchi showed accumulation of fibrin, inflammatory cells, and mucus plugs. Electronic cigarette users should be cautioned about the potential danger of operating electronic cigarette units at high settings; the possibility that certain heating elements may be deleterious; and that E‐cigarette or vaping product use–associated lung injury may not be dependent upon tetrahydrocannabinol, vitamin E, or nicotine.”
- https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.120.017368
- https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/epub/10.1161/JAHA.120.017368
Stephen Hamann