
A Vaping Cessation Text Message Program for Adolescent E-Cigarette Users: A Randomized Clinical Trial JAMA

Graham AL, et al. A Vaping Cessation Text Message Program for Adolescent E-Cigarette Users: A Randomized Clinical Trial JAMA. 7 Aug 2024;332(9):713-721. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.11057

Is a tailored, interactive text message program for vaping cessation effective in promoting abstinence from e-cigarettes among adolescents?

A 2-group randomized clinical trial was conducted with 1503 adolescent e-cigarette users, with 70.8% retention at 7 months. In the intention-to-treat analysis, with missingness coded as vaping, abstinence rates were 37.8% among participants assigned to the text message intervention and 28.0% among participants assigned to assessment-only control, a statistically significant difference. No baseline characteristics moderated the treatment-outcome relationship, including nicotine dependence.”

TRC Research Commentary

Florko N. The Atlantic. Tobacco Companies May Have Found a Way to Make Vapes More Addictive: Kids might get hooked on new vapes that display animations with each puff. 30 Oct 2024. “Vapes with screens first began to hit the market late last year and only recently have become widely accessible. Online retailers sell vapes with screens that display what appear to be planets, rockets, and cars driving in outer space. The screens are small—just a few inches wide at most—and cheap: These products run as little as $25 and can last for several months. Although youth vaping rates have dropped in recent years thanks in part to public-service campaigns that have warned kids about the dangers of vaping and nicotine addiction, the inclusion of a screen risks backtracking the progress that has been made.” Comment: Tobacco companies continue to develop new ways to entice the very young to early nicotine use and addiction. Stephen Hamann

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