
Smoking Cessation Report Slams E-cigarettes as Unsafe

Adams JM. Smoking Cessation—Progress, Barriers, and New Opportunities. JAMA. 20 May 2020; 323(24):2470-2471.

This statement summarizes how the latest Surgeon General Report eviews the totality of scientific data available and concludes, ‘E-cigarettes are a continually changing and diverse group of products that are used in a variety of ways. Therefore, it is difficult to make generalizations about their effectiveness for cessation based on studies of a particular e-cigarette, and there is presently inadequate evidence to conclude that e-cigarettes, in general, increase smoking cessation.’ Ongoing research is critical to inform the role of e-cigarettes as a potential cessation tool for adult smokers, but in the midst of epidemic use of e-cigarettes among adolescents, the public health message must be crystal clear: use of any tobacco product by adolescents, including e-cigarettes, is unsafe.”

My comment: It is crystal clear. Evidence indicates present e-cigarette products are not proven for cessation and are unsafe. Products that are unsafe for the public should be prohibited. Research on e-cigarettes will continue where allowed, but in Thailand where they are prohibited, it is not necessary to allow them because of some supposed or real illicit market of unsafe products. The only people who don’t understand that clarity seem to want to perpetuate a thriving addiction industry at great cost to the public.

Stephen Hamann

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