
Harm Reduction through alternative nicotine products; Not a proven population-based strategy

“It must be acknowledged that many health professionals, tobacco control professionals and decision-makers who recommend the harm reduction strategy have very good intentions… However, good intentions must always be supported by strong evidence before large-scale implementation. Evidence on the safety and the effectiveness of alternative nicotine delivery products as a smoking cessation tool is still lacking, while use of nicotine-containing products is spreading to non-smokers, which is most alarming. Harm reduction in tobacco control should be reserved for a minority of high-risk smokers; it is not a population-based strategy… The human lungs are created to breathe clean air, not “reduced levels of toxins and carcinogens”, and the human body is not meant to be dependent on addictive drugs. ERS [European Respiratory Society] cannot recommend any product that is damaging to the lungs and human health.”

Pisinger C, et al. ERS and tobacco harm reduction. European Respiratory Journal. Published online December 4, 2019.

by Dr.Stephen Hamann

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