
E-cigarettes with higher nicotine concentrations comprise a substantial and increasing portion of U.S. e-cigarette sales.

E-cigarettes with higher nicotine concentrations comprise a substantial and increasing portion of U.S. e-cigarette sales. Higher nicotine concentrations may influence patterns of e-cigarette use, including harms from e-cigarette initiation among youth and potential health benefits for adult smokers switching completely to e-cigarettes.”

It would be a substantial benefit to tobacco control if the number of nicotine-addicted users could be reduced by e-cigarette sales. However, boosting the nicotine only serves to more quickly establish addiction by youth and through present US use patterns (dual use), only provides adult smokers with greater health risks.

Unfortunately, “e-cigarettes in the US are still sold in a relatively unregulated environment with fewer restrictions on marketing and advertising than with other tobacco products.”

See also: Click here

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